Monday 23 January 2012

Katibawasan Falls in Philippines

Philippines is an archipelago of nearly 7,000 islands situated north of the Malayan Peninsula in South East Asia. The natural flora and marine fauna of this land is mesmerizing. Large portions of this country are extensive beaches on the one hand, and mountainous terrain on the other; endowed with spectacular landscape and simply amazing scenery. Philippines. Katibawasan Falls in Philippines is a famous tourist attraction in Philippines.

Fast Facts about Katibawasan Falls in Philippines

Address of Katibawasan Falls in Philippines: Sto. Nino Cold Springs | Camiguin Island, Davao, Mindanao, Philippines.
Contact no. at Katibawasan Falls in Philippines: Department of Tourism-Tel (02) 599031
Location of Katibawasan Falls in Philippines: Located 4 kilometers from Mambajao

Features of Katibawasan Falls in Philippines

Katibawasan Falls in Philippines is one of the treasured gifts nature has bestowed on the island of Camiguin. It is a clear stream of water with exclusive features that include:

The fall Measuring about 250 feet high.

It cascades 70 meters into a rock pool surrounded by ground orchids, wild ferns, trees and boulders.

Its cold waters provide a refreshing summer splash to bathers and picnickers. It is an ideal place to cool off during hot and humid days.

Giant ferns decorate the surrounding land, carpeting for space with huge trees and dropping vines. Those looking for adventure can rappel down the waterfall and plunge into the pool below.

Rock picnic tables, seats and cookout facilities are available for use.

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