Monday 23 January 2012

Lake Taal in Philippines

Taal, located 30 miles south of Manila on the island of Luzon in Philippines is one of 15 “Decade Volcanoes” is a potential danger for urban centers. The volcano has been active since 1991 with several earthquakes, new steaming regions, ground fracturing and increasing in temperatures of the lake. Lake Taal in Philippines, a fresh water lake fills the 18 diameter (30-kilometer) volcanic caldera is a major tourist attraction. The large island in Taal Lake is called Volcano Island. Lake Taal is located in a densely populated and fast developing agricultural and industrial region.

Features of Lake Taal in Philippines:

-The Lake has 37 tributaries and its only distributary is Pansipit River which is a tributary of Balayan Bay.

-Taal Lake is the third largest lake of the magnificent archipelago of Philippines and claims to be the second largest on the Luzon Island.

-A small volcanic island in the middle of the lake has been the center of swarming volcanic activity.

-The Government of Philippines has declared the Taal area as a site for building new industries.

-Taal Lake is good for swimming.

-The Lake provides a natural habitat for a variety of fishes.

-The Taal Lake Marine Sports Festival is an annual event which takes place during the first weekend of March marking the onset of summer.

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