Monday, 23 January 2012

Philippines Health Information

Health is wealth and traveling becomes a lot easier and convenient if you are in the best of your health. Visiting a beautiful country like Philippines with a bad health can actually restrict you from enjoying the beauty of the city. Also falling ill in he middle of your tour can be trouble some. As such it is better to take precautions from beforehand and this you can do by keeping yourself updated with the Philippines Health information.

Precautions to be taken in Philippines:
Take a Vaccination against yellow fever, small pox or typhus. The certificate for the vaccination taken should be forwarded for proof if you are arriving in Philippines from the infected areas.
Precautions should be taken from getting affected by cholera.
Certain areas of Philippines have high risks of Malaria so necessary precautions are advised. A dose of quinine should be kept handy or the medical officer can be consulted.
Taking proper care about health and hygiene can keep you away from falling ill. While in Philippines you are advised to boil water and milk before consuming. The dairy products are better to be avoided; vegetables as well as fish and meat should be properly cleaned and cooked before consuming. Fresh food items should be opted for as far as possible.
There are a number of diseases common to the localities like Bilharzia, Filariasis, Rabies, Chikungunya fever. So proper vaccinations against all should be taken beforehand. In case of any emergency, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

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