Wednesday 18 January 2012

When is Chinese New Year 2012?

When is Chinese New Year 2012? 

Chinese New Year is observed for two consecutive weeks, and is popularly known as Spring Festival. It usually starts from late January and early February. The variation in the date of festival is due to the changes in the track of the new moon. The Spring Festival ends on the 15th day when the Lantern festival is celebrated.

Chinese New Year 2012

In 2012, Chinese New Yearâ??s Day will be celebrated on January 23. The New Year festival will start from January 22 (Chinese New Year' Eve) and end on February 6 (Lantern Festival). 2012 marks the 4710th Chinese New Year, and this time it is the year of dragon according to the Chinese zodiac calendar.
The dragon is the 5th sign of the Chinese zodiac and it is regarded as an auspicious symbol which stands for power, good luck, success, and happiness.

History of the New Year Celebration

Since ancient times, the Chinese New Year was considered as the time to honor ancestors and heavenly deities. In addition, it was the time to organize family gatherings and grand feasts.
There is a legend associated with the celebration of New Year in China. There was a monster named Nian who used to harass the villagers by eating their crops, cattle and taking away their kids. The villagers had no other option but to place food at the entrance to their homes so that the monster would eat it and go away without harming them.

One day, the villagers realized that the monster was scared of red color. So, they adorned their doors and windows with red paper cutouts and spring scrolls. The villagers also burst crackers to frighten the monster. Since then, Nian never came again to the village. Hongjun Laozu, a Taoist monk, was the one who captured the beast later on. Since then, the Chinese have been celebrating the capture of Nian on their New Year's Day.

There are other stories which say that the Chinese have observed their New Year since the reign of the sage emperors, Sun and Yao. The Western Zhou Dynasty observed New Year as the time when they would begin their agricultural activities. This event was also celebrated with ceremonial gatherings and fireworks by the Han Dynasty. The Song Dynasty, too, observed this special occasion with bamboo poles and fireworks.
Chinese New Year is celebrated with fireworks, lion dancing, dragon dancing and cultural performances on the street. Families organize reunion dinners on New Yearâ??s Eve and make special preparations like spring rolls and Chinese dumplings. Offering gifts of money is also a popular tradition followed during this festival.

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