Culture of the Philippines

Culture of Philippines exhibits a strange amalgamation of religions, various settlements and countries. The Philippines located in the Malay Archipelago, consists of 7,107 islands.

While most of the Filipinos are of Austronesian origin, some have Spanish, Chinese, American, and Arab lineage. Thus Filipino culture shows a fusion of native traditions of the Philippines blended with Spanish and American customs. as well as Chinese, Indonesian and Indian specialties. You will also notice Hispanic influences in Filipino culture, which shows prominence in many of the religious festivals and even in naming of streets, towns and provinces as well as in cuisine. As you explore the Filipino dishes like noodles, you will notice the Chinese influence.

Interestingly enough, English language is commonly used in Philippines and shows trends of American influence in the spoken style, basketball, fast-food joints, sprouting interest in American music and movies.
Friendship, bondage in families, nationalism and commitment are greatly appreciated in Culture of Philippines. José Rizal, a Spanish-speaking reformist whose writings induced national identity and awareness among the commoners, is an important figure in the country. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, written by this reformist are must-read among the students of this country and are highly evaluated.

While music and leisure are close to the heart of Filipinos, sports like boxing, badminton and billiards are also quite popular.

More Information on Culture of Philippines

- Arts and Crafts in Philippines
- Architecture of Philippines
- Music and Dance in Philippines
- Philippines Cuisine
- Religion in Philippines
- Philippines Etiquette

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