Monday 23 January 2012

Philippines Transportation

Bounded by an emerald green sea with occasional stretches of blue water reflecting the sky, sandy beaches, coral reefs, an exciting range of adventure sports and green rainforests, Philippines can really be equated to miniature form of Heaven. With such a bountiful natural treasure, the island nation is first gaining the status of a hot tourist destination. It has got everything to woo the pleasure travelers; accommodation, hospitality and sight seeing attractions are plenty and promise excellent services as rewards. Adding up to all these is the excellent Philippines Transportation System.
With its wide network of train, boat, bus, airways and taxi service moving within the cities of Philippines as well as he other neighboring islands is convenient and less problematic.
Among all definitely the Domestic Airlines will grab your attention. The cost is low and the time taken is definitely much lower and the country boasts of some of the best domestic airlines like Philippines Airlines, Cebu Pacific, Asian spirit and Air Philippines. All these airlines promise you a comfortable flying experience with quality services.
Another faster and economical mode of transport will be the Train. The Metro train services are considered good if you are traveling a long distance.
Traveling on land is made easier by the local Taxis also known as Jeepneys. They are fun to ride in and the best mode for exploring the true colors of Philippine. The car rental companies can provide with a car if you prefer to travel alone. The Bus Services in Philippines are also excellent. All the terminals are located in Manila from where the departures take place to various provinces.
With water on all sides, the last resort is the Super ferries and Ferries operated by reputed Shipping companies. For inter island traveling no other transport can match its efficiency. It is fast and the most suitable medium to enjoy the charms of an island country and the call of the sea.

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